The man decided to put a camera in the room to see what his cat was doing.
He was surprised when he saw that the cat did not sleep and looked at his face.
The man found the cat on the street.
He could not stay indifferent and decided to help the poor animal.
So, the man took the cat home.
His behavior was quite different. He was shy because his life was so hard.
So, the man put on a camera to follow the cat when he was not at home.
During the first days, he stayed mostly in closed spaces.
But then he became used to the environment and started to walk around the room. But his behavior changed during the night.
When the man slept the cat climbed to the sofa and looked at his face.
Then the man noticed that the cat did the same during the day.
The man understood that the cat wanted to show his gratitude to the man who saved him.
So, the man decided not to interrupt him doing so as he did not do anything bad.