The woman did not clean the house for many years and only in retirement she revealed a secret

The woman named Frances Gabe did not clean her house for many years.
The woman often accepts guests and they understand how the rooms remained clean.

She revealed the secret only in retirement.
Her way of cleaning deserved a Nobel Prize.

She is well-versed in mechanics and physics. She was earning enough and started to support her husband who was searching for a job.
She took the responsibility of keeping her whole family but her only worry was keeping the house clean.

But her husband did not want to help her in this and it became a reason for their divorce.
Frances never took a vacuum cleaner but the rooms remained clean.

All guests wanted to find out the secret of this but she did not reveal it.
She designed everything like a big dishwasher.

There was a button that launched in all rooms and washed off the soapy solution.
So, she only had to rework the furniture.

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