Aline did not feel happiness coming back home after work. She wanted to have a rest, so she went to get wine. And near the restaurant, she saw an old woman who asked for money for the cat’s food.
‘My money is enough only for medicine and I need money for my cat’ she said.
Is this a new kind of begging? thought Alina.
But she did a good thing.
‘Come and choose what food you want she said to the woman.
The grandma was confused as to why she wanted to take her.
So, grandma started to talk.
‘I never begged for money and ways worked. I had a good husband but he died a year ago. We did not have children, only cats. And now my pension is enough only for my medicine,’ she said.
Granda chose the cheapest food but Alina wanted her to eat normal food.
‘Please do not hurt me. I am not a beggar and I do not want anything,’ said the grandma.
But the woman managed to convince her to eat something.
The grandma thanked Alina for her kind act. After that, they parted away.
She went home to her cats. And Alina went to her expensive house. Her desire for wine disappeared and she started to appreciate her life.