The small rabbit was obsessed with his friend who is four times bigger than he, and they formed an amazing bond

Love does not know size and age and this is proved by this story. The hero of the story is a rabbit named Romeo who weighs 4 times less than his friend.

Lily and Romeo live in the Covelli family. Also, they became a famous couple thanks to Instagram.
The owners say that they spend most of their time together. They did not want to part away even for a while.

People who saw Lily are surprised by its size but when they saw the little way their surprise was doubled.
Lily was first in the family and then they also adopted Romeo.

Lily is a very calm animal and allows Romeo to sleep with her.
Romeo, in its turn, is a very smart and active creature. It enjoys running and jumping everywhere.

When something happened and Romeo was afraid of something he immediately ran to Lily. They are always ready to protect each other. Such a unique friendship that recognize neither age nor size.

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