The old cat celebrated his birthday but he did not even expect this

This story could have a bad ending if caring people did not appear. The old cat who was already 19 years old had a family but no one paid too much attention to him. So, he was moved to the orphanage where many other cats had the same fate.

House cats live about 12-15 years. So, this animal called Sammy was the oldest. He appeared at the shelter one week before his birthday.
So, when he turned 19 the shelter staff organized a party for him.

The photos captured these happy moments and when they appeared on social media they went viral. The staff also wrote that the animal had only one dream, which was to have a caring owner.

So, new owners came for him the next day. The staff was very happy for the cat and told about it on social media.
The cat was so sweet and deserved to have owners. He also enjoyed hugging his owners.

The shelter workers hope that he will have many birthdays.

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