The kind woman adopted an old dog who spent 14 years in the shelter

All animals want to have a permanent home. But sometimes they could not. So, they lived in the shelter their whole lives.
The 19 years old Stewart spent 14 years in the shelter and it seemed that he would be there.

All employees gave up and lost hope that someone would like to adopt him.
But the director of the shelter did not lose hope.

So, she shared the story on social media and received a response.
A woman named Natalie wanted to adopt the dog and have him lots of love and attention.

But the shelter did not allow her to adopt the animal as the dog stayed there too much and it became his real home.
So, the woman complained about the case to her viewers on Tik Tok and got lots of support.

So, eventually, she reached her goal and adopted the animal.
Indeed, Stuart was used to the shelter but getting love and care would be better for him.
Natalie will do everything to provide Stuart with a comfortable life so he could read happily the rest of his life.

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