The kind man helped the stray dog and after that, she did not stop smiling

Dogs are considered to be the most loyal animals, but some breeds do not have a good reputation. And pit bulls are among these.
There are some stereotypes that these dogs are dangerous.

But they are gentle creatures.
When the dog realized that he would soon have a permanent home he started to smile.

The animal was wandering when he was eleven months old.
But one day everything changed when he met his future savior.

Dan was walking with his dog called Femo when saw the stray dog.
Dan felt sorry for the dog and decided to take him.

But he did not know whether the animal was homeless or not.
John tried to find the owner for about a month.

But all his efforts were in vain.
Then, he decided to keep the dog forever in his home.

Now the dog smiles non-stop.
He was the happiest in the world.

The man accepts that his smile is the most amazing that he has ever met.
So, he never stops smiling and enjoys everything that happens around him.
Thanks to such kind people many homeless animals found their owners.

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