The eight-years-old boy and his family lost their home and appeared on the street but after a while his business idea changed their life

Because of debts the family appeared on the street. Parents did not have any solution but this little young boy turned out to be smarter.
He came up with an idea which changed their lives.

Berenice Pacheco had 3 children and could not pay all the expenses on time.
Because of the world crisis the woman lost her beloved job.

They had to move to a barn but there were not enough conditions for living.
Once, the woman joked with her son about owning his business and buying his toys himself.

Mother forgot what she said after a while but that made the boy take action.
After thinking a little he decided to resell plants. He bought 8 succulents with his saved money about 12 dollars and managed to resell it for 16 dollars.

It was a small profit but it motivated him to continue making money.
His income started to grow day by day.

Later he started his adverbs on social media.
Surprisingly it won everyone’s interest.

Eight months after this he earned almost 40000 dollars.
Amazing results.

This was enough for the family to buy an apartment.
More and more people learned about his business and it is growing day by day.

He will not stop at this point. He had other plans and is working 24/7 to reach all his aims.

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