The dog changed the cat and they became best friends

The abandoned cat called Betty appeared in the shelter. And she was so angry that when people passed near her cage he wanted to attack.

The shelter staff did not know what to do and they invited an animal psychologist.
Kenal Benken took the cat home.

She acted the same in her house. The woman did everything that the cat felt comfortable in her house. Soon, her dogs approached her and wanted to know the pet.

The Labrador liked the cat so much.
‘Trucy loves babies and I think that she thinks she is a mother when she does this’ said Kendal.

Trucy started to spend the whole day with the cat. So, they soon became best friends.
The dog was so careful with the cat. And soon, the cat started to change its behavior.

After some time, the woman started to search for a permanent home for the baby.
It was not so easy but eventually, the woman managed to do so.

Soon Betty will be used to the new environment. So, thanks to the woman and the dog, the cat was now totally changed.

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