The dog attracts all the customers to his mother’s shop

Having a pet would be good for your business.
And this was proved in this story.

While a puppy, Nelson sat in front of his owner’s shop and attracted customers.
Nelson did not want to stay alone, so I started to take him to work with me, said Connie.

And soon Nelson understood that people like him. So, he started to greet everyone and gave them his paw.

Now, the friendly dog won everyone’s hearts and attracted many new customers every day.
And thanks to him, Connie now has even more customers, who are happy to see the dog.


Nelson made everyone happy and it worked for the business.
Once, one girl was passing when she suddenly saw Nelson.

She stopped and asked to pet him and when I allowed her to do so, she felt happy
The girl also started to cry and then told me about her pet who died recently.

But Nelson made her somehow happy and the girl was thankful for having such a chance.

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Smart Animals