The child started to cry when he received his new pet

The child hugged the pet and did not want to let him go. This is a great chance to learn how to be responsible and careful. Animals need care and attention from us.

They usually form strong bonds with children and they enjoy spending time with them.
LadBible posted a video on social media that won everyone’s hearts.

The man could not hide his tears and started to cry with happiness when he hugged the puppy and kissed him.
It was an emotional moment for the family members and they told the child that it was his and no one would take it from him.

The boy could not believe that it was him and that’s why he had so many mixed emotions. He had lots of love for his pet. Many people hoped that the boy would always be careful with the dog. And many were concerned as many kids did not know how to act with pets. But these kind creatures need love and support.

In that way, the boy expressed his happiness. The dog showed that he felt protected in his hands.
The dog is lucky and they will have so many adventures together.

They are young and have lots of energy. But not the boy had certain responsibilities.
He must care for, clean and feed the puppy. And his parents will help him to do so.

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