The cat adopted a little puppy

The cat called Gertrude had a reasonable reason not to love dogs.
Once, the poor cat was attacked by a group of fogs and was torn to pieces.

The cat was almost dead when it was found by locals.
People took it to the vet.

The cat had some serious wounds and there was a need for an operation.
During the operation, it turned out that the cat was pregnant.

Unlikely, doctors could not save the babies.
After some time, a little puppy was brought to the same hospital.

The puppy also had a sad story.
The owner took the puppy together with her siblings to the hospital and left them there.

The puppies were in bad condition when they came to the vet.
But then something amazing happened.

When one of the workers was walking near the cage of the car, keeping the puppy, the cat got up and something unexpected happened.
She started to meow and Ortega decided to organize a meeting for them.

When Ortega wanted to take the puppy away, she became nervous.
After some time, a family decided to adopt the cat and the puppy.

The cat looked after the puppy like her own.
The cat became a caring mother for or.
They shared a strong connection that no one could expect.

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