This was the moment when the big bear entered the police department and everyone was afraid.
This was surprising as no one could believe that the bear could enter there. He felt that he was the owner of the place.
And this is the thing that you cannot witness too often. The police officers noticed the huge bear during their ordinary working day. It was unbelievable to feel his presence in the room.
The video captured the moment when he entered there and started to explore the territory and that was unbelievable for everyone. Then when he wanted to go out he saw the police officers who wanted to chase him. Luckily, no one got any injuries.
The police officers also had a fun time witnessing this moment. They were scared at first but then everything went well and they managed to catch the animal.
In the pictures, you can see the bear inside the department.
As it is investigated the bear population drastically increased in California and reached up to 40 thousand.
And people living there are often witnessing such things.