Katherine once saved a kitten who was found on the street. They thought it was a cat but then after three months it changed color and his eyes
The director of Mini Cat Town. It is located in San Jose, state California. She adopted a small cat. Yeti, the kitten, had all his fur covered in
The love and care that mothers show for their children is a sentiment so powerful that can’t be replaced with anything. Many mothers are ready to do anything
After graduation, a young girl whose name is Molly makes a crucial decision. Throughout her studies, she was always stressed. Due to that even after graduating she kept
On a subway a truly moving and lovely scene took place. A young and extremely kind gentleman was feeding a stray kitten that he found from the bottle.
After buying a boat and even transferring the purchase to their hometown the family members found two small kittens in it. The family gave them names: Pistachio and